Desktop and File Protection
One Hour Digital Literacy Activities

Purpose:Secure your device and file with password.

Lesson Notes

Make the group depending upon the class strength.
Ideally not more than 3 students per device.

Platforms Supported
  • Windows laptop/desktop.
  • Android tablet/phone.
  • Description

    Children will learn to create password to the computer. Children will save a file with security protection through a password. They will learn to set finger print, patterns and face recognition in tablets and PC.


    Here are more details on how to protect your desktop and file with password:

  • Click here for Windows.
  • Click here for Android.

  • Here is the video for how to do the Activity:

  • Click here for Android.

  • Teacher Instructions
    1. Explain the activity before starting the class.
    2. Explain the need for protecting your system and the files in the system.
    3. Use technical names whereever possible. Example password, file etc
    4. At the end of the class explain to the children what they did in this activity. Once again emphasise why that is important.